Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Jayden's First Day of PreSchool 9.2.14

Today was Jayden's first day of preschool. She was a little nervous when we got there. She wouldn't smile~

However, when Jayden saw her teacher she ran right to her lap and seemed to be quite comfortable~

When I told Jayden that I had to go, she looked a little sad and then asked if she could play at the train table. I said yes, and she just said, "Bye Mommy!" and left to go play. No tears, no fears. It was nice not having to worry if she'd be sad or crying a lot.

While Jayden was away and Chase was at a play date, Riley and I got to spend one on one time together...so we took selfies. Riley loves looking at herself on camera~

When I asked Jayden how her day was in school, she said, "good!". I asked her what she did and she said, "painted and sang old mc donald". Later in the evening, Jayden did another first - she peed in her little potty~

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