Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patrick's Day 2014

On St. Patrick's Day I took Jayden and Tyler to the Malaga Cove Library story time while Chase was at school. I really enjoy going with the kids because the librarian always has a seasonal theme and craft project. Today was all about rainbows~

Waiting in line to show the librarian their projects. Then she gave each kid a snack of green apples and green grapes~

It was a beautiful day and Jayden and Tyler like to look at the fountain in front of the library. Of course they also like to touch the dirty water~

Running around on the nice green library lawn~

While Jayden took a nap, Tyler helped me watch Riley~ 

I'm trying to be better at taking pictures of the kids on "holidays". I gathered them up in the backyard~ 

Chase learned about leprechauns in class so he wanted to make a trap. We used a diaper box with a sword and string. The bait was a picture that Chase had drawn and some pretzels~

Chase instructed everyone to hide~ 

Waiting for the leprechaun to appear...sadly we did not see or catch one~ 

Rainbow picture colored by Chase~


  1. All of these photos are adorable and thank you for sharing a bit of your life with us! We love seeing the updates and seeing the kids!

  2. Looks like your kids had a wonderful time celebrating St. Patrick's Day. It's always so much fun to see pictures of them playing and laughing and enjoying each other so much.
