Thursday, February 13, 2014

Riley at Five Months

Time is flying by! Riley is already five months old. She's giggling (especially at Chase & Jayden), she has two teeth (bottom middle), reaching for things and using her legs to rotate her body when she's on the ground. She's very close to rolling over from back to stomach. Riley is not much of a napper. She naps for about 45 minutes to an hour and only about 2-3 times during the day. Riley is sleeping more at night. Last night she slept from 10pm to 5am - hopefully this one night streak will continue! She can play independently on her mat or her jumping bouncer for about 10 minutes, however she likes being carried best. She's still adjusting to noises - gets scared when Tanner sneezes or sniffs loudly. Riley weighs about 15 pounds and seems to be very strong. She keeps getting cuter and cuter everyday.

Some pictures I took while we were at home today...

1 comment:

  1. Both your girls look beautiful in pink. I love Riley's new hat.
