Wednesday, February 12, 2014

At Home

Jayden hasn't been feeling well the past couple of days - ear infection/pink eye, runny nose, cough, etc. but she still has energy to be funny~

She found a pair of Chase's underwear and proceeded to slip it on over her diaper and under her pj pants. She also has a habit of doing this "stick out my butt" pose that she and Chase find hilarious~

While Chase was at preschool, Riley, Jayden and I went for a walk around the neighborhood. I can't believe that this is the first time that I put Riley in a stroller without her car seat. She enjoyed the walk for the most part and fell asleep five minutes before we got home.~

Since Jayden was sick, I've been keeping her home. We were all going crazy in the afternoon so we decided to mix sidewalk paint. It 's a simple recipe that Chase came home with from his "concoction class" at pre-school. Only three ingredients - 1/4 cup cornstarch, 1/4 cup water, and food coloring. Jayden and Chase had fun painting the drive way. Jayden actually had more fun squeezing the red food coloring into the mixture and getting it all over her hands and body. It's a good thing she decided to protect her head~

Chase is learning to write lower case letters in pre-school~ 


The forgotten third child asleep in the bouncer (I did put baby in the corner)~

1 comment:

  1. I hope Jayden is getting over that pink eye. I remember how infectious that can be when Dylan and Jaci were little.
    I love Chase's artwork. The little people are so cute.
    Riley doesn't seem to mind being put in the corner...hahaha!
