Sunday, February 23, 2014

Jayden's First Party

Today Jayden attended a birthday party of one of her fellow day care mates. This is the first party that she's been invited to and not Chase. The little girl Sydnee turned two and she and Jayden played nicely at Silly Goose Playground. There were several other day care mates and it was so cute to see how they all recognize each other and play.

Some Chase sayings:
  • "Mommy, your tummy feels like a marshmallow!"
  • "Mommy, I have a very BIG question to ask you. Who's the boss of this house" (Your daddy and me) "But who's the FIRST boss?"
  • "Nothing is going my way!" - when putting on socks and shoes and complaining how uncomfortable it all is

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Weekends are for Sports

The weekends have been very busy with attending Chase's T-ball and basketball games. The girls are good sports about it - Jayden especially likes going because it means she gets snacks and a chance to play with my iPhone.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Riley at Five Months

Time is flying by! Riley is already five months old. She's giggling (especially at Chase & Jayden), she has two teeth (bottom middle), reaching for things and using her legs to rotate her body when she's on the ground. She's very close to rolling over from back to stomach. Riley is not much of a napper. She naps for about 45 minutes to an hour and only about 2-3 times during the day. Riley is sleeping more at night. Last night she slept from 10pm to 5am - hopefully this one night streak will continue! She can play independently on her mat or her jumping bouncer for about 10 minutes, however she likes being carried best. She's still adjusting to noises - gets scared when Tanner sneezes or sniffs loudly. Riley weighs about 15 pounds and seems to be very strong. She keeps getting cuter and cuter everyday.

Some pictures I took while we were at home today...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

At Home

Jayden hasn't been feeling well the past couple of days - ear infection/pink eye, runny nose, cough, etc. but she still has energy to be funny~

She found a pair of Chase's underwear and proceeded to slip it on over her diaper and under her pj pants. She also has a habit of doing this "stick out my butt" pose that she and Chase find hilarious~

While Chase was at preschool, Riley, Jayden and I went for a walk around the neighborhood. I can't believe that this is the first time that I put Riley in a stroller without her car seat. She enjoyed the walk for the most part and fell asleep five minutes before we got home.~

Since Jayden was sick, I've been keeping her home. We were all going crazy in the afternoon so we decided to mix sidewalk paint. It 's a simple recipe that Chase came home with from his "concoction class" at pre-school. Only three ingredients - 1/4 cup cornstarch, 1/4 cup water, and food coloring. Jayden and Chase had fun painting the drive way. Jayden actually had more fun squeezing the red food coloring into the mixture and getting it all over her hands and body. It's a good thing she decided to protect her head~

Chase is learning to write lower case letters in pre-school~ 


The forgotten third child asleep in the bouncer (I did put baby in the corner)~

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Two Sport Athlete

Chase has started playing t-ball with the Sansei organization. Today was the first practice he attended. He followed directions and had a couple of hits and is learning how to catch and field balls~

Jayden likes to be in on the action too~ 

Next up was the YMCA basketball game~ 

And it was picture day~ 

Coach Tanner with his team~ 

Chase had a great game! He scored 8 points and was a good listener.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Reveal

Today Kamery got her gender reveal ultra-sound. I was excited to find out if she was having a baby boy or girl and called her in the mid-morning. However, Kamery thought it would be more fun to reveal the sex via cupcakes she baked. We went over for dinner and then for dessert, we ate cupcakes to see what color was in the center.

Of course Chase takes the biggest bites so he was the first to see the color inside~ 

It's a BOY!!!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Feb. 1, 2014

Jayden has a very strong opinion of what she wants to wear. Today was cousin Jake's birthday party and I need Jayden to choose something halfway decent and matching. She cane out in this~

Riley has her party hat on (from Grandma Nish)

Cute food stations and  a taco truck were at the party~

Coach Tanner coaching~ 
Chase's jersey number is 53. I think he scored 6 points in this game.

 Jayden's our little cheerleader~

Enjoying snacks after the game with teammates~