Monday, September 9, 2013

Riley Logue is Born!

On September 9, 2013 we made our way to Torrance Memorial for a scheduled c-section at noon. The hospital was strangely empty and we were the only ones in the room. Tanner received his scrubs~

I had to wear a cap - which was different than previous c-sections~

Riley was born with lots of crying and hair~

Riley's first bath - given by the same nurse we had when Jayden was born~

Riley did not enjoy the bath at all~ 

Grandma Nish meeting Riley~

Chase was very gentle and happy to meet the new baby. He said, "I like this baby better because she's softer". He likes to touch her hair~

Jayden wasn't too interested in Riley~

With Uncle Marcus~

Meeting cousin Tyler~

With Auntie Kamery and Uncle Scott~

With Uncle Henry~

With Kaz and Bryan~ 

It was an exhausting day~ 

  Riley was born at 12:53PM and weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz and was 19 inches.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Stacy and Tanner. Riley is a beautiful baby.
