Friday, May 17, 2013

Rhody Kiddie's Parade

On Friday morning, June came over to visit. She and Jayden got along nicely~

Grandma's preschool class was so excited to walk in the Kiddie's parade. Chase, on the other hand, had been saying all week how he didn't want to walk in the parade because he was "too shy". However, at the 11th hour, he decided that he did want to be with the rest of the kids. Of course, he wouldn't wear the full uniform - he insisted that he wear his blue shorts~

The Castle Hill preschool float - Shell Gas Station. The boys were shell workers and the girls started out as customers in their cars~

Grandma Logue made a car for everyone! They were so cute and colorful~

We waited with the boys' cars a little ways ahead of Grandma's class on the parade route. Jayden loved playing with all the cars~

Grandma's class was awarded the blue ribbon for first place by the judges~

On the parade route~

Chase wanted to wear the blue ribbon instead of the pink participation ribbon because he "wanted to be different than all the others"~

Chase was so exhausted from the day that he fell asleep shortly on Tanner's shoulder after he finished walking the parade~

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