Jayden Sayuri Logue was born around 11am and weighed 6 lbs. 12 oz and was 18.5 inches long. We were amazed at how tiny she was and we thought that she looked like Chase when he was born~
Uncle Marcus sat with Chase in the waiting room~
Chase opened his two presents from Jayden, a big brother book and hot wheels. His baby sister had officially and completely bought his love~
From the beginning, Chase was a loving and sweet big brother. He didn’t show any signs of jealousy and just wanted to be near the baby~
The Endows came to visit~
Jayden will definitely let you know when she needs something. She does not like a wet diaper (won’t tolerate a drop of wetness) or to be hungry~
Tanner was grinding as usual and multi-tasking – checking work email and holding the baby~
We noticed that Jayden has tiny feet, especially when we remember how big Chase’s feet were on his birth day~
Comparing Chase’s foot vs Jayden’s foot~
I remember being swollen and tired after the c-section. However, a pleasant surprise came when Jayden appeared to be a good latcher. I had such a hard time breastfeeding with Chase that I was prepared with a bottle and formula just in case. Tanner spent the night in the hospital with me and Jayden, while Chase went back home with my mom. Then the endless cycle of feeding and changing diapers began…the burden was eased a bit by the fact that we were already head over heels in love with Jay.
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