Saturday, December 17, 2011

3rd Day In Hospital

Our hospital stay was really pleasant. Jayden was breastfeeding well and we just tried to relax as much as we could (every two hours).

My mom came every day~

Tanner’s family flew in today and came directly to the hospital. Grandpa and Jayden~

Auntie Kari with Jayden~

Chase loves holding Jayden. He frequently asks if he can hold the baby and then promptly sits down to receive her. After about 2 minutes he usually says, “Okay, that’s enough”.100_1992100_1998100_2006

Geoff, Pam and Carter came to visit~100_2012

So did Tammy~

Jayden is rarely awake, but when she opens her eyes we think the color looks grey~  IMG_1212IMG_1223

Grandma and Grandpa Logue with their grandchildren~IMG_1233

Auntie Kamery and Uncle Scott meeting Jayden for the first time~100_2036

My war buddies and the babies~

Geoff and Pam brought me these yummy cupcakes (I think Chase ate most of them)~IMG_1101

Auntie Gloria also came to see Jayden and she gave me a great massage~100_2038

It’s tiring looking at a baby all day long. Chase fell asleep in Papa’s arms and then went home to be in Grandpa, Grandma and Auntie Kari’s care.

We heard that Chase entertained everyone that night with a memory game~100_2042

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