Monday, April 6, 2015

Playing at the Park With Our New Neighbors

On Monday of Spring Break we went to the car wash and Anderson Park. Chase didn't want to leave his new best buddy and neighbor so he asked if Marius could join us. Then, Jayden wanted a friend so she asked if Natalie (Marius' sister) could join us. We all loaded into the van and went to the drive-thru car wash - which the neighbors got a kick out of - and then went to the park. (The blue park - as Jayden calls it). The kids all got along beautifully and it was really fun!

The boys first tried to get the girls to play a game of football with them, but the girls were easily bored with the game~

Riley tried so hard to do whatever the older kids were doing. She has no fear~ 

Juice break~ 

Riley insisted on having one too~

Riley loves to climb~ 

1 comment:

  1. They all look so happy to be playing with their friends!
