Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Eve & Christmas 2015

Christmas Eve was very mellow. During the day we made sugar and gingerbread cookie cutouts. Jayden liked rolling the dough out and using the cutters~

Chase participated too~

We made a big mess!

Chase spent most of the day playing football with the neighbors - which he loves! 

Jayden and Chase delivered Christmas cards to our neighbors~ 


After dinner we decorated the cookies~

Guess who made which cookie~

Leaving cookies, milk and carrots for Santa and his reindeer - 8 reindeer and Rudolph~ 

The kids were so excited to open presents on Christmas morning~

The kids LOVED spending Christmas morning with Grandma and Papa Logue~

The afternoon was spent preparing for everyone to come over for Christmas dinner. We had ribs, steak, potato casserole, sweet potatoes with marshmallows, green beans, salad, sweet rolls, etc. Too bad I can't ever remember to take any pictures!

Uncle Marcus grilled the ribs~

Grandma Nish also brought over a huge batch of shoyu chex mix~

It was a wonderful day and we feel so lucky that we got to spend it with so many members of our family! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Free Slurpee Day

Took the girls to get free slurpees at 7-Eleven on 7/11:

The girls definitely love sweet treats! Riley was thrilled to get her very own - she doesn't like to share. This was our first time getting free slurpees. It was really easy! No line, just walked into 7-Eleven and a worker is standing by the slurpee machine with the small cups asking, "What flavor?". We can make this an annual tradition. =)

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Summer Days

This summer we're trying to keep a balance of planned and unplanned activities. One of Riley and Jayden's favorite "unplanned activity" is going to the park. Riley loves the swings. Unfortunately for me she loves to try every one of them. She likes to swing on each one for a good two minutes.

Riley is also a dare devil. I have to keep a close eye on her because she'll climb anything...

One of our "planned activities" is ballet/tap class for Jayden once a week. She loves her little leotard/tights outfit and has a ball in the shoes. I told her to strike a ballet pose before we headed out to her first lesson~

Riley wanted to pose too~

To celebrate her first dance lesson (which she listened and participated really well) we got frozen yogurt. We did not get anything after her second lesson when she decided that she was not going to listen to the teacher....walked slowly to get in line, not bending her knees, or walking the right direction, etc. She loves to know what her boundaries/consequences are~

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

5.20.15 Notes

In security line going back to LAX from SEA:

Chase: Is my hammer a weapon? Will I get in trouble?

Me: It's plastic, it's deflated, it's OK.

Chase: Are you sure the police won't get mad at me?

He has a healthy fear of the police

A couple of weeks ago one of our neighbor's houses got toilet papered.

Chase: Mommy, Danesh & Nahib (our 13 year old neighbor twins) said that they didn't clean up the TP because the police are going to come over.

Me: OK

Chase: Mommy, I touched the TP, will the police see my fingerprints and think it's me?

Me: No, because your fingerprints are in only one place.

Chase: Actually Mommy, I touched the TP in two places.

Me: It's ok, two places is fine. Besides I know that you didn't TP their house.

Chase: (looking relieved) I know, but I don't want anyone to think I did.

Very healthy fear of the police, lol.

Words Riley can say:

  1. Mama
  2. Dada
  3. Ball
  4. Da (dog)
  5. Ca (cat)
  6. Yea (yes)
  7. Na (no)
Riley likes to put on a purse and wave goodbye. She loves waving at birds, dogs, lawn mower people and truck drivers. She goes out of her way to catch their eye while she's waving. Pretty cute!

Jayden loves dressing up. She always wants to wear dresses, capes and pretty shoes. She walks on her tip toes so she can pretend she has heels. She loves to wear her blankie as a cape and she loves for us to put capes on her barbies.  She's three going on thirteen.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Playing at the Park With Our New Neighbors

On Monday of Spring Break we went to the car wash and Anderson Park. Chase didn't want to leave his new best buddy and neighbor so he asked if Marius could join us. Then, Jayden wanted a friend so she asked if Natalie (Marius' sister) could join us. We all loaded into the van and went to the drive-thru car wash - which the neighbors got a kick out of - and then went to the park. (The blue park - as Jayden calls it). The kids all got along beautifully and it was really fun!

The boys first tried to get the girls to play a game of football with them, but the girls were easily bored with the game~

Riley tried so hard to do whatever the older kids were doing. She has no fear~ 

Juice break~ 

Riley insisted on having one too~

Riley loves to climb~