Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Back at the Hospital

Since Riley wasn't breastfeeding well she had jaundice. When we took her to the pediatrician for her checkup, the doctor noticed that her eyes were yellow. We had to go back to the hospital to test her bili level and it was really high, so she had to be admitted. Riley and I had to stay two nights at the hospital. Riley was under the lights the whole time and seemed to really enjoy it. 

Tanner stayed at home and was in charge of Chase and Jayden. He had to take Chase to preschool after packing his lunch and find ways to entertain our spirited Jayden. Here's some "selfies" he took of everyone~ 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

First Days At Home

The first days at home were pretty hectic with a newborn, 21 month old and an almost five year old. Auntie Kamery and Uncle Scott helped us out by watching Jayden on a Saturday while I went to a breastfeeding clinic. Jayden and Tyler had fun playing in the fountain.

Meanwhile, Chase had his first AYSO soccer game. Tanner didn't take any pictures at the game, but Chased scored three goals and was very excited to play. At one point he told Tanner, "Daddy, I'm good at this game!"

Tanner gave Chase three licorices for three goals~

On Sunday, Pam, Geoff, Carter, Tammy and Jessica came to visit. Jayden and Carter played nicely together and ate their lunch side by side. Carter said, "Jayden's my friend".

They brought a cake to welcome Riley~

Riley hasn't been breastfeeding well so we supplement with bottles~


Love her little feet~

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Going Home

We went home mid morning on September 12th. I tried to take a few pictures of Riley before we left~

Getting wheelchair service~

Riley seems so small for the car seat~

Resting at home~

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hospital Days

We had a quiet three nights in the hospital. With the third child, you don't get as many visitors. LOL! However, that was fine as it gave us me time to relax without Chase & Jayden. I felt like this c-section was even better than the last in terms of pain and discomfort.

Auntie Jessica came to visit~

Big brother Chase loves to hold Riley~ 

Jayden's becoming more interested in the baby and likes to give her hugs and kisses~ 

Our littlest Husky~ 

Flowers and balloons from Auntie Naomi~ 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Riley Logue is Born!

On September 9, 2013 we made our way to Torrance Memorial for a scheduled c-section at noon. The hospital was strangely empty and we were the only ones in the room. Tanner received his scrubs~

I had to wear a cap - which was different than previous c-sections~

Riley was born with lots of crying and hair~

Riley's first bath - given by the same nurse we had when Jayden was born~

Riley did not enjoy the bath at all~ 

Grandma Nish meeting Riley~

Chase was very gentle and happy to meet the new baby. He said, "I like this baby better because she's softer". He likes to touch her hair~

Jayden wasn't too interested in Riley~

With Uncle Marcus~

Meeting cousin Tyler~

With Auntie Kamery and Uncle Scott~

With Uncle Henry~

With Kaz and Bryan~ 

It was an exhausting day~ 

  Riley was born at 12:53PM and weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz and was 19 inches.