Saturday, January 25, 2014

Grandma Harper's Memorial

Tanner, Riley and I went up to Port Townsend to attend Grandma Harper's memorial service. Since it was just a weekend trip we left Chase and Jayden with Grandma Nish and Ron. One of the first things on our agenda was to meet cousin Clara. Riley is about 1 month younger than Clara.

We also visited Grandma Logue's preschool and met the preschool kids. They were very friendly to Riley~

Riley and I joined the class for one of their daily walks~

At Grandma's service there were lots of great pictures and mementos of her~

It was great to see so many family and friends attend~

We also got to meet cousin Isaac for the first time too~

There was a special rainbow ceremony in honor of Grandma Harper as a tribute to her time as a Rainbow Girl and then later Eastern Star. Each of the colors of the rainbow stand for a Rainbow Girl virtue. The virtues were explained and then a narrative was told of how Grandma Harper embodied these virtues.
  • Love (red) In all its forms
  • Religion (orange) The Importance of religion in all its forms (based on love and forgiveness)
  • Nature (yellow) Its Importance in your daily life
  • Immortality (green) The understanding of death is a part of life
  • Fidelity (blue) Emphasis on being honest and reliable
  • Patriotism (indigo) Encouraging citizenship to your country
  • Service (violet) Service to others which bind all the colors together

The service was wonderful. Stories were lovingly told and met with laughter and appreciation from the group. Grandma Harper lived a full life and was loved by many. Riley slept for the first 15 minutes of the  service and then woke up. I had to walk her outside the room, but I got to hear snippets of the stories/service and there was definitely a lot of warm laughter.

After the service the family all went over to the Harpers for dinner and family time. It was cute to see all the babies together~

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Jan. 21, 2014

Everyone loves Riley~

Celebrating the Seahawks win with Skittles~ 

Pretending to sleep~ 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Chase's First Sleepover

Chase spent the night at a friend's house for the first time. He had a lot of fun and did not end up calling us in the middle of the night to come pick him up like Tanner thought he would. LOL! Chase's friend's mom set up this great project for the boys to make. She put tape on canvas of the boy's first initial and had them paint around it. The paintings turned out so cute!

It was reported that the boys were still up at 11PM~ 

They crashed at 11:30PM~