Sunday, June 3, 2012

June 3, 2012

Bought patio furniture from OSH today - took Chase and Jayden with us. Chase had so much energy and just wanted to run all around the aisles and play "hide n seek". Needless to say he was very annoying to us (but secretly adorable and funny to me).

Tanner put together all the pieces - looks great! Chase "helped" him by putting all the little pieces in the leg tubes.

Mom, Kamery, Scott and Tyler came over for dinner - terri salmon, broiled artichokes, corn, roasted green beans (it's better to saute), costco pasta salad, white rice and brown rice pilaf. Chocolate malted krunch.

Chase sayings, "I can do whatever I want". (when we asked him what he wanted for lunch) "turkey sandwich - that's the grind!" (after Tanner said, "goddammit!") "Daddy, what goddammit?"

Chase seems to really love Jayden. When I asked if he wants to have another baby he said. "No. Just our baby girl". He's always playing with her ears with his fingers so rubbing it against his cheek. He always lets me know when she's crying.

Jayden still has no teeth although it seems like they're giving her trouble. Loves to gnaw on our fingers (strong jaw) and is drooling a bit. She still loves to watch Chase and no one can make her laugh as big as he can. She's going to bed around 9:30-10:30PM and waking up to nurse anywhere between 4-6am and then goes back to sleep until 8am.

Tyler seems just as big as Jayden length wise. Jayden smiles easily and is just darling. We love her so much!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Long Beach Aquarium - 6.1.12

I'm really writing this post on 7.14.15 - time flies! I can't remember any of the details, but here we are at the Long Beach Aquarium with the Robinettes.

Aidan and Chase met each other in pre-school in the Fall of 2011. Their teacher, Ms. Carrie suggested that I call Aidan's mom for a play date because they got along really well during school. Well, since I'm a procrastinator and was pregnant at the time, I never called. Thankfully, Aidan's mom, Stephanie, is more put together and arranged for us to have a play date sometime in early 2012. To date, we love hanging out with the Robinettes and it's fun to have kids so close in age to each other.

The boys had fun watching the scuba worker clean the penguin tank~

The Robinettes and Chase (being silly)~

Little Jayden is almost six months old and already sucking her left thumb (she did this since Day 1 and is still doing it today - 7.14.15)~

This is a self portrait Chase drew of himself in preschool (minus the circle). Apparently he has little eyes, a little nose, thin legs and no arms. LOL~